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Friday, November 29, 2013

Separuh Bintang

Cinta itu nggak butuh alasan. Jika cinta membutuhkan alasan, ketika alasan itu hilang, cinta juga akan hilang bersamanya.... Lalu ketika seseorang yang kita cintai itu menghilang, apakah kita juga harus hilang bersamanya?

Dunia seakan terbalik bagi Chiara. Dalam sekejap hidupnya yang penuh kebahagiaan berubah. Setelah tahu statusnya sebagai anak haram----yang menyebabkan ayahnya marah dan kabur dari rumah, ditambah meninggalnya ibu dan kakaknya----Chiara mengunci rapat-rapat sebagian dirinya.

Di tengah kesedihan dan keterpurukannya itu, Aldy, sahabat sejatinya sejak kanak-kanak, selalu setia menemaninya. Tapi, bisakah kesabaran dan ketulusan Aldy membuat Chiara bangkit lagi? Atau mungkin, perlu muncul kisah dan tokoh baru untuk memulai episode hidup Chiara yang selanjutnya? Who knows?


oleh: Evline Kartika
> Fiksi » Teenlit

Penerbit :    Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN :    31201090016
ISBN-13 :    9789792245455
Tgl Penerbitan :    2009-05-00
Bahasa :    Indonesia
Halaman :    320
Ukuran :    135x200x0 mm


Tentang Pengarang:
Cewek kelahiran Jakarta 21 April 1985 ini berharap banget novel pertamanya ini will bring hope to all of you. Believe me, there will always be another perfect day, Ketika hari ini kita merasa sedih, pasti akan ada hari kita akan tertawa. Di saat kamu merasa kehilangan sesuatu, itu hanya suatu pintu yang akan membawamu pada sesuatu yang jauh lebih baik. (Sumber: Novel Separuh Bintang)

Arindha Soraya

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 

 is a 2013 American science fiction adventure film based on Suzanne Collins's novel, Catching Fire, the second installment in The Hunger Games trilogy. The film is the sequel to The Hunger Games, and the second installment in The Hunger Games film series, produced and distributed by Lionsgate. Francis Lawrence directed the film, with a screenplay by Simon Beaufoy and Michael Arndt (credited as Michael deBruyn). Jennifer Lawrence returns as Katniss Everdeen along with Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Donald Sutherland, Toby Jones, Willow Shields, and Paula Malcomson also reprising their roles.
Months prior to the first film's release, Lionsgate greenlit the second film and Gary Ross, director of the first film, was expected to return as director. However, on April 10, 2012, he announced his departure from the project due to the tight and fixed production and on May 3, Francis Lawrence was hired as the film's director. Throughout July and September 2012, the film's supporting cast was filled out, with Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Wright, Sam Claflin, Lynn Cohen, Jena Malone, Amanda Plummer, Alan Ritchson, and Meta Golding brought in to portray key roles. Filming began September 10, 2012 in and around metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia before moving to Hawaii. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was released on November 15, 2013 in Brazil, November 20, 2013 in Finland and Norway, November 21, 2013 in the United Kingdom, and in IMAX on November 22, 2013 in the United States. (sumber:

Arindha Soraya



adalah sebuah sistem masif yang terikat gaya gravitasi yang terdiri atas bintang (dengan segala bentuk manifestasinya, antara lain bintang neutron dan lubang hitam), gas dan debu medium antarbintang, dan materi gelap–komponen yang penting namun belum begitu dimengerti. Kata galaksi berasal dari bahasa Yunani galaxias (γαλαξίας), yang berarti "seperti susu," yang merujuk pada galaksi Bima Sakti (bahasa Inggris: Milky Way [jalan susu]). Galaksi yang ada berkisar dari galaksi katai dengan hanya sepuluh juta (107) bintang hingga galaksi raksasa dengan seratus triliun (1014) bintang yang semuanya mengorbit pada pusat massa galaksi masing-masing. Matahari adalah salah satu bintang dalam galaksi Bima Sakti; tata surya termasuk bumi dan semua benda yang mengorbit Matahari.

Tiap galaksi memiliki jumlah sistem bintang dan gugus bintang yang beragam, demikian juga jenis awan antarbintangnya. Di antara galaksi-galaksi ini tersebar medium antarbintang berupa gas, debu, dan sinar kosmis. Lubang hitam supermasif terdapat di pusat sebagian besar galaksi. Diperkirakan lubang hitam supermasif inilah penyebab utama inti galaksi aktif yang ditemukan pada sebagian galaksi. Galaksi Bima Sakti diketahui memiliki setidaknya satu lubang hitam supermasif.

Secara historis galaksi dikelompokkan berdasarkan bentuk terlihatnya atau biasa disebut morfologi visualnya. Bentuk yang umum adalah galaksi eliptis, yang memiliki profil cahaya berbentuk elips. Galaksi spiral adalah galaksi berbentuk cakram dengan lengan galaksi yang melengkunng dan berisi debu. Galaksi dengan bentuk yang tak beraturan atau tidak biasa disebut galaksi tak beraturan dan biasanya disebabkan karena gangguan oleh tarikan gravitasi galaksi tetangga. Interaksi yang demikian antara galaksi-galaksi yang berdekatan dapat menyebabkan penggabungan, yang terkadang meningkatkan jumlah pembentukan bintang hingga menghasilkan galaksi starburst

Kemungkinan terdapat lebih dari 170 miliar (1,7 × 1011) galaksi dalam alam semesta teramati.Sebagian besar berdiameter 1000 hingga 100.000 parsec dan biasanya dipisahkan oleh jarak beberapa juta parsec (atau megaparsec). Ruang antargalaksi diisi oleh gas tipis dengan kerapatan massa kurang dari satu atom per meter kubik. Sebagian besar galaksi diorganisasikan ke dalam sebuah hirarki himpunan yang disebut kelompok dan gugus, yang pada gilirannya membentuk himpunan yang lebih besar yang disebut gugus raksasa. Dalam skala terbesar himpunan-himpunan ini umumnya tersusun dalam lapisan dan untaian yang dikelilingi oleh kehampaan yang sangat luas.

Meskipun belum dipahami secara menyeluruh, materi gelap kemungkinan menyusun sekitar 90% dari massa sebagian besar galaksi.Data pengamatan menunjukkan lubang hitam supermasif kemungkinan ada di pusat dari banyak (kalau tidak semua) galaksi.

Arindha Soraya

Ice Cream

I mean, who doesnt love ice cream?!

Ice cream (derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice) is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, artificial flavourings and colourings are used in addition to, or instead of, the natural ingredients. The mixture of chosen ingredients is stirred slowly while cooling, in order to incorporate air and to prevent large ice crystals from forming. The result is a smoothly textured semi-solid foam that is malleable and can be scooped.
The meaning of the phrase "ice cream" varies from one country to another. Phrases such as "frozen custard", "frozen yogurt", "sorbet", "gelato" and others are used to distinguish different varieties and styles. In some countries, such as the United States, the phrase "ice cream" applies only to a specific variety, and most governments regulate the commercial use of the various terms according to the relative quantities of the main ingredients.Products that do not meet the criteria to be called ice cream are labelled "frozen dairy dessert" instead. In other countries, such as Italy and Argentina, one word is used for all variants. Analogues made from dairy alternatives, such as goat's or sheep's milk, or milk substitutes, are available for those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy protein, or vegan. The most popular flavours of ice cream are vanilla and chocolate.

In the Persian Empire, people would pour grape-juice concentrate over snow, in a bowl, and eat this as a treat. This was done primarily when the weather was hot, using snow saved in the cool-keeping underground chambers known as "yakhchal", or taken from snowfall that remained at the top of mountains by the summer capital — Hagmatana, Ecbatana or Hamedan of today. In 400 BC, the Persians went further and invented a special chilled food, made of rose water and vermicelli, which was served to royalty during summers. The ice was mixed with saffron, fruits, and various other flavours.
Ancient civilizations have served ice for cold foods for thousands of years. The BBC reports that a frozen mixture of milk and rice was used in China around 200 BC.The Roman Emperor Nero (37–68) had ice brought from the mountains and combined it with fruit toppings. These were some early chilled delicacies.
Arabs used milk as a major ingredient in the production of ice cream[citation needed] and sweetened it with sugar rather than fruit juices. It was flavoured with rosewater, dried fruits and nuts.
Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat asserts, in her History of Food, that "the Chinese may be credited with inventing a device to make sorbets and ice cream. They poured a mixture of snow and saltpetre over the exteriors of containers filled with syrup, for, in the same way as salt raises the boiling-point of water, it lowers the freezing-point to below zero."Some distorted accounts claim that in the age of Emperor Yingzong, Song Dynasty (960–1279) of China, a poem named Ode to the ice cheese (詠冰酪) was written by the poet Yang Wanli. Actually, this poem was named Ode to the pastry (詠酥; 酥 is a kind of food much like pastry in the Western world) and has nothing to do with ice cream.It has also been claimed that, in the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan enjoyed ice cream and kept it a royal secret until Marco Polo visited China and took the technique of making ice cream to Italy.
In the sixteenth century, the Mughal emperors used relays of horsemen to bring ice from the Hindu Kush to Delhi, where it was used in fruit sorbets.

Spread to Europe

Italian duchess Catherine de' Medici, credited with introducing ice cream into Europe in the 16th century.
When Italian duchess Catherine de' Medici married the Duke of Orléans (Henry II of France) in 1533, she is said to have brought with her to France some Italian chefs who had recipes for flavoured ices or sorbets. One hundred years later, Charles I of England was, it was reported, so impressed by the "frozen snow" that he offered his own ice cream maker a lifetime pension in return for keeping the formula secret, so that ice cream could be a royal prerogative. There is no historical evidence to support these legends, which first appeared during the 19th century.
The first recipe in French for flavoured ices appears in 1674, in Nicholas Lemery’s Recueil de curiositéz rares et nouvelles de plus admirables effets de la nature. Recipes for sorbetti saw publication in the 1694 edition of Antonio Latini's Lo Scalco alla Moderna (The Modern Steward).Recipes for flavoured ices begin to appear in François Massialot's Nouvelle Instruction pour les Confitures, les Liqueurs, et les Fruits, starting with the 1692 edition. Massialot's recipes result in a coarse, pebbly texture. Latini claims that the results of his recipes should have the fine consistency of sugar and snow.
Ice cream recipes first appeared in 18th-century England. The recipe for ice cream was published in Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts in London in 1718.
To ice cream.
Take Tin Ice-Pots, fill them with any Sort of Cream you like, either plain or sweeten’d, or Fruit in it; shut your Pots very close; to six Pots you must allow eighteen or twenty Pound of Ice, breaking the Ice very small; there will be some great Pieces, which lay at the Bottom and Top: You must have a Pail, and lay some Straw at the Bottom; then lay in your Ice, and put in amongst it a Pound of Bay-Salt; set in your Pots of Cream, and 93 lay Ice and Salt between every Pot, that they may not touch; but the Ice must lie round them on every Side; lay a good deal of Ice on the Top, cover the Pail with Straw, set it in a Cellar where no Sun or Light comes, it will be froze in four Hours, but it may stand longer; then take it out just as you use it; hold it in your Hand and it will slip out. When you wou’d freeze any Sort of Fruit, either Cherries, Rasberries, Currants, or Strawberries, fill your Tin-Pots with the Fruit, but as hollow as you can; put to them Lemmonade, made with Spring-Water and Lemmon-Juice sweeten’d; put enough in the Pots to make the Fruit hang together, and put them in Ice as you do Cream.

Title page to The Art of Cookery by Hannah Glasse.
However, the earliest reference to ice cream given by the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1744, reprinted in a magazine in 1877. 1744 in Pennsylvania Mag. Hist. & Biogr. (1877) I. 126 Among the rarities..was some fine ice cream, which, with the strawberries and milk, eat most deliciously.
The 1751 edition of The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy by Hannah Glasse features a recipe for ice cream. OED gives her recipe: H. GLASSE Art of Cookery (ed. 4) 333 (heading) To make Ice Cream..set it [sc. the cream] into the larger Bason. Fill it with Ice, and a Handful of Salt. The year 1768 saw the publication of L'Art de Bien Faire les Glaces d'Office by M. Emy, a cookbook devoted entirely to recipes for flavoured ices and ice cream.
Ice cream was introduced to the United States by Quaker colonists who brought their ice cream recipes with them. Confectioners sold ice cream at their shops in New York and other cities during the colonial era. Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson were known to have regularly eaten and served ice cream. First Lady Dolley Madison is also closely associated with the early history of ice cream in the United States. One respected history of ice cream states that, as the wife of U.S. President James Madison, she served ice cream at her husband's Inaugural Ball in 1813.
Small-scale handcranked ice cream freezer were invented in England by Agnes Marshall and in America by Nancy Johnson in the 1840s. (Sumber:

So, whats your fav ice cream?

Arindha Soraya


Daydreaming atau melamun adalah kondisi sesaat terputusnya pikiran seseorang dengan lingkungan sekitarnya, dimana kontak seseorang menjadi kabur dan sebagian digantikan oleh kayalan visual, khususnya tentang hal-hal yang menyenangkan, harapan atau ambisi, dan dialami dalam kondisi terjaga. (sumber:

Orang yang suka melamun pasti sering diprotes. Habis banyak banget, sih, mitos yang menceritakan sisi jeleknya melamun. Mulai dari kesurupan, sampai bikin ayam mati, he he....Kali ini, lihat dari sisi sebaliknya, yuk.

Ngelamun dan nge-blank
Dari luar, dua aktivitas ini memang kelihatan sama. Intinya, orang yang lagi berdiam diri denganmata menerawang. Tapi ngelamun itu enggak sama dengan nge-blank, lho. Biasanya, kalau orang ngelamun itu pikirannya enggak kosong. Dia sedang berpikir tentang sesuatu atau berimajinasi. Kalau nge-blank, berarti otak dia memang benar-benar kosong, alias enggak memikirkan apa-apa. Nah, nge-blank itu yang ngeri...

1.      Get to know yourself
Pas lagi enggak ada kerjaan, coba, deh, sempatkan waktu buat berbengong-bengong ria. Pikirkan kejadian yang telah kita alami beberapa terakhir ini. Pikirkan juga cara kita menghadapi semua kejadian itu. Dari situ kita bisa lebih mengenal diri kita sendiri. Gimana, sih, sikap kita pas menghadapi hal yang enggak menyenangkan. Mata kita juga bisa 'terbuka' dalam melihat sifat-sifat jelek kita. Kalau sudah tahu, tinggal dibenerin, deh.

2.      Answer from above
Percaya, enggak, kadang-kadang jawaban itu justru datang pada saat kita enggak mikirin. Ketika kita belajar untuk santai dan pasrah, tanpa kita sadari, alam bawah sadar akan memberi kita jawaban yang selama ini kita nanti-nanti. Yakin saja, di dunia ini, enggak ada masalah yang enggak ada jalan keluarnya.

3.      Ide, datanglaaah!
Banyak seniman-seniman besar mengaku mereka mendapatkan ide brilian justru pada saat mereka enggak memaksa otaknya untuk bekerja, alias lagi melamun.Entah kenapa, tapi memang begitu keadaannya. Mungkin otak juga ngambek kali, ya, kalau disuruh kerja terus, he he he...

4.      Terbang ke negeri antah berantah...
Kita bisa mengembangkan ide-ide jenius kita dengan cara melamun. Pas dapat ide brilian, coba, deh, diam sebentar. Biarkan pikiran kita membawa kta 'terbang' ke negeri khayalan kita. Ide pasti akan mengalir dengan deras. Siapa tahu kita bisa menciptakan dunia khayalan seperti middle earth-nya the Lord of the Rings. Kereeen!

5.      Rest and relax
Melamun itu cara paling gampang buat mengistirahatkan badan dan pikiran kita. Habis melamun kita pasti bisa lebih rileks. Ssstt... enggak perlu keluar biaya juga, lho.

6.      It's time to smile again
Sediakan waktu buat memikirkan masalah-masalah kita, nangis sepuasnya, dan  lupakan!

Moment-moment yang enggak pas
Jangan pernah melamun (apalagi bengong!) saat kita lagi :
-          Nyetir mobil
Enggak perlu diomongin panjang lebar, melamun pas nyetir sama saja kayak ngundang bahaya.
-          Teman bicara yang enggak menyenangkan
Kalau enggak pengin jadi public enemy, jangan pernah melamun pas orang lagi ngajak kita ngomong. Selain enggak sopan, bisa-bisa kita dianggap cewek sombong dan self-center.
-          Crowded place
Sekarang ini, orang jahat ada dimana-mana, jadi usahakan untuk enggak melamun di tengah keramaian. Bisa-bisa kita dihipnotis orang jahat.
-          Iiiih syerem...
Hmm.. ngapain juga, ya, kita melamun di tempat-tempat angker? Kurang kerjaan banget. Selain seram, kita pasti kelihatan aneh.

Jangan melamun soal...
1.      Depressive things
Ngapain ngelamunin hal-hal yang bikin kita tambah depresi? Bisa-bisa kita tambah down. Pokoknya enggak boleh!
2.      The worst
Tujuan melamun adalah bikin kita lebih optimist, pede, dan semangat lagi. Jadi, jangan selalu memikirkan kejadian terburuk, dong. A big no no...
(sumber: )

Arindha Soraya